Live your breast life

From taking on stubborn ducts to nursing comfort, we’ve got everything you need to get through all those pain-in-the-boob moments.


with Adjustable Nursing Pillow

No more hunching over + shoving your boob into baby's mouth. The Adjustable Nursing Pillow’s unique removable layers allow you to find the right height for your - and your growing baby’s - size, so you can get that perfect lap-to-latch position with next-level comfort.

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with 2-in-1 Lactation Massager

Skip the electric toothbrushes and hot shower hand massages. The 2-in-1 Lactation Massager gets clogged ducts going so the milk can get flowing. Different sides + ends help target pain points + empty breasts completely.

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with Instant Heat Breast Warmers

Help speed up the let-down with these reusable warmers that heat with a click. Each set comes with two sizes - use them together for whole-boob warm-ups or solo to target painful areas. Wear before or after nursing, and even while pumping to milk it for all its worth.

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Treat + Sooth

with Breast Mask

Give milk-makin' boobs a well-deserved spa sesh with soothing Breast Sheet Masks. Choose from three treatments to take on three different struggles.

For Engorgement, help slow the flow when weaning or overproducing with cabbage, jasmine + sage.

For Lactation, support milk production during a dry spell with fenugreek + fennel.

For Hydration, help nourish + soothe worn-out boobs with aloe vera, cucumber, honey + tea tree oil

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Self Care

with Breast Care Kit

Stocked with the nursing essentials to make stubborn clogged ducts + milk let-down lags a thing of the past.

Kit Includes:

1 Lactation Massager

1 set of Instant Heat Breast Warmers

1 set of Breast Mask for Lactation

1 set of Breast Mask for Hydration

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